Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Long Lost Relatives

Okay so here I am looking in my SPAM folder for some work i sent myself (which of coarse I did not find) when out of the cyber space low and behold a voice I had never heard before greeted me. Yes I am talking about a long lost relative, my cousin Nancy. Very cool I might add. :)
I was very pleased to here from her, because in all this time I do not ever remember even seeing her.
Of coarse I am ecstatic to have another long lost relative to talk too and get to know. I know there are others of you out there who are related to the Moore side of the family, and not my brother side either. I mean those of you out there that are my cousins from my uncle Bill, and Uncle Fenton. Hey guess what we do not bite (hard) :) We want to get to know you also. So I guess what I am asking is: Where are YOU?
How many more relatives are out there?
Due to the wonderful internet you should not have to hide. Drop someone a line who knows, someone, who knows someone.....
Don't be a stranger, who knows you might find that all those stories you heard about our side of the family are actually TRUE !! :)

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